Legal Advicer in Chiangmai

“If I had six hours to chop down a tree I’d spend the first four hours sharpening the axe” …Abraham Lincoln, Our favorite sentence spoke by Abraham Lincoln

Attorney is needed in businesses or litigation, especially specific attorney with experience, expert for legal consult. If not, even you have good evidences, you might lose in business or litigation in court because of this the attorney to be your representative in court, negotiate with person involved or processing businesses. You have to consider this following

  1. Attorney license and office license, In Thailand, The license need to be issue from Thailand lawyer council association only. If someone claim to be attorney even they can speak English very good but you still need to ask for the license. Also some attorney has been revoked the license due to unsuitable behavior.

  2. Experience of attorney from license. By issued date of license, you may check how long they have been attorney ex. Mr.A has license since 2011 you will see ………/2011, longer issued date of license more experience.

By this refer to experience of attorney. If your case not have complicate issue should be ok but If not, the case has big fund, you need attorney that has experience to reduce the risk

  1. Refered person, sometime you may check from your friends who use Legal service of attorney in Chiang Mai or check from website that has web board about lawyer in Chaing Mai.

  2. English skill because you need to tell attorney about the facts of your case. If they can’t communicate well or have to communicate through transporter may cause misunderstanding or dispute therefor English speaking attorney may give you more convenience for your business or litigation.

In court or business contact in Thailand only use Thai language. If you need excellent English skill attorney might cost high payment without necessity.

Legal and Business Comsultancy in Chiang Mai has been authorized as Law Firm and we have licensed attorney with experience in business and litigation for foreigners for many years. We hope this article will be useful for your consideration on choosing attorney.

                                                                                                LBC team